
O ajdi poje ena najbolj znanih slovenskih ljudskih pesmi Po Koroškem, po Kranjskem (že ajda zori). Gotovo ne brez razloga, saj je bila ajda v naših krajih nekoč eno najpomembnejših živil in še danes v tradicionalnih kuhinjah, ki jih posnemajo in nadgrajujejo tudi najsodobnejše, najdemo različne jedi, od ajdovih žgancev do kruha in štrukljev ter še česa. Pravijo ji tudi nora, zelena ali grenka ajda, na Koroškem in drugod pa tudi cojzla. V današnjem svetu alergij in bolezni, povezanih z neustreznimi živili, ko je tudi v prehranskem smislu napočil čas nujne vrnitve k naravi, je to pravzaprav edina prava pot.

Franchise Cojzla

We want to share and expand our vision and knowledge with business partners who will recognize the opportunity and carefully protect the highest quality standards that Cojzla represents. The awarded franchise enables the opening of its own restaurant under the Cojzla brand.

Synonymous with the highest quality, Cojzla has earned by using quality and organic raw materials and by constantly investing in betterga and even betterga. We are focused on the development of new and modern dishes that taste nostalgic and are, of course, strictly controlled to be gluten-free. The demand for gluten-free food is growing, because nowadays concern for the quality of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle has become the prevailing trend, which Cojzla directly addresses very successfully with his vision.

You can become a part of Cojzla's success story too!

Contact us


Phone:  031727876
