Delí Cojzla

We are a small boutique bar where we prepare various gluten-free dishes, from 100% buckwheat noodles to steam-cooked falafel dressed in a fermented buckwheat pancake. For those who want a trendy burger, there are a few different tasty options. In Cojzla we always look for new challenges to create nostalgic food with a twist or healthier option - sweet apple pie without added sugar or fermented 100% buckwheat vegan pancakes stuffed with savoury or sweet fillings, followed by red lentils burger with chia seeds and Indian plantain, and unique bread with yeast to name a few. Our menu is well received by all foodies, however was primarily designed for those who are not allowed to eat gluten for various reasons. Ande we provide a safe gluten-free heaven for all.
